Arslan Damper improved the safety equipments in tippers. The security level of the tippers are improved with the audio warning systems together with the visual warning system.
Arslan Damper, manufacturing truck mounted equipment and trailer in Aliaga Organized Industrail Zone (ALOSBI), improved the safety equipment on the tippers. The company, that wants to reduce the driver faults down to zero, put the audio and visual warning system in the driver cabin. The system activated with the opening of the damper, while the audio warning system is going on in the cabin at the same time the red warning lamp comes in. The warning system goes on until the tipper clicks on the vehicle chassis. After the driver is warned visually and audible , he closed the tipper before he moves the vehicle. The warning system stops when the tipper is closed. Despite the tipper is opened and the vehicle is stopped, the warning system keep on working. The cabin warning system is provided as a standard equipment. For the private sector it is optional.
The implementation of urban renewal projects in conjunction, the urban excavation transportation gained momentum. Mr. Haldun Türkoğlu said, “ In order to avoid the driver faults in urban driving, the safety systems in the driver cabin gaining great importance. We want to make zero the driver faults with the tipper warning system.
Implementing the special sensors in the driver cabin, the audible and visual warning system will avoid the driver faults. The
excavation tipper trucks are big risk in the urban roads. Lastly, the excavation operations started in Petkim effected the Aliaga urban traffic negatively. We evaluated the driver fault claims. The most prominent driver fault claim is while the truck moving without realizing giving the tipper to lifter and as a result the excavation shedding around. The public tippers operating in urban was getting risky with the similar driver faults. In order to avoid the driver faults the driver should be alerted by visual and audible when the tipper began o lift.The sensors mounted on the chassis alerts the driver when the tipper began to lift. With this application we avoided one of the driver faults.”